納米比亞漁業不堪高油價重創納米比亞漁業亟需政府當局出面調停不斷高漲的油價衝擊。去年油價飛漲74%,過去三年則已漲了200%,導致佔作業成本五成的柴油已成為漁業最大的開銷。而依照每艘船的大小,每日使用房屋買賣7,500公升的柴油就要負擔9,900美元,每船每月的油料開銷總額已高達197,300美元。納米比亞漁業協會與漁業公司聯盟主席表示,納米比亞前4季慘澹的漁業困境,遭逢油價高漲的衝擊無疑是雪上加霜。設在Luederitz買房子這樣地處偏遠的公司更是深受其害,當地的漁民生產一公斤的水產品,卻要較其他地區多付出0.53美元的成本。所以納米比亞漁業亟待政府伸出援手放寬漁業用柴油之價格。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News,Aug.15, 小型辦公室2008)FRAGILE FISHING INDUSTRY THREATENED BY DIESEL PRICESNamibia’s fishing industry is threatened by rapidly rising fuel prices and it might require interventionfrom the government, 售屋網according to the fishing industry. The price of fuel has risen 74 per cent over thelast year, and 200 per cent over the past three years. Diesel has become the fishing industry’s 關鍵字行銷biggestexpense, accounting for up to 50 per cent of operational costs. A single vessel, depending on its size,can use up to 7,500 litres of diesel per day at a cost of NAD 75,000 (USD 酒店打工9,900). Costs per month canamount to NAD 1.5 million (USD 197,300) per vessel. The rise in diesel price comes at a time when theNamibian fishing industry is still in a "fragile state" from 澎湖民宿the rough conditions of the past four seasons,said the Chairman of the Confederation of the Namibian Fishing Association and fishing companydirector. Companies in Luederitz were worst hit 設計裝潢because of the remote location. Fishermen there werepaying up to NAD 4 (USD 0.53) more to produce one kilogram of fish than in other areas. The situationmight require relief intervention by 吳哥窟the government that could include relaxing the government diesellevies currently charged to fishing companies

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